Wednesday 30 September 2009

DigiPack: Album Cover Ideas

In collecting ideas for our album cover, it was necessary to research previous bands album covers from similar genres. Some recognisable artists that promted our ideas were; Foo Fighters

The two photos above from their photoshoot for one of their album covers both highlight their protagonist artist; David Grohl. Also, in both images there is a strong sense of voyeurism. We aim to include both aspects of their photoshoots into ours. We also took ideas for costumes from this band, ie shirt/t-shirt with jeans.

Another band that follows the convensions of an album cover from an alternative rock band are Jimmy Eat World. In their picture below they too centralise their lead artist (normally singer or lead guitarist) who is the 'face' of their band. In researching this band we also came across ideas for lighting our band in their photoshoot. The image in colour shows an idea for possible lighting of the artists.

In conclusion, we've decided not to use a still from our footage as our album cover because it will not feature all the band members and there might not be a strong enough sense of voyeurism. However, we may use our locations to take the photos for our album cover, aside from filming the music video. Our male protagonist (Josef James) will stand in a dominant position in the foreground; closer to the lense, while the other band members feature in the background. This ideas are shown in the test images below.

Dominant Positioning (Foreground) Other artists in background

As a finishing touch for added effect, we thought it would be sucessful if we edited the final image. The two we decided were the most suitable were

1. a wallpaper of The Kooks from

2. the following image from a Blink 182 fan page

Finally, we will add a rough texture to the final image to give a look similar to the one from The Kooks picture above, in the hope that this picture will be a recognisable, eye-catching image. In response to all of these conventions we aim to use in our photoshoot, our final picture should be similar to our previous picture (shown above) in a different location (one of our locations for filming) with an edit similar to the one used by The Kooks picture.

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