Wednesday 7 October 2009

Location Report

Location Report: Sawston Village College

After gathering ideas for possible locations it was our next task to select the most suitable places for our filming. For the stage performance we agreed either Sawston Village College or Hills Road Sixth Form College would be most suitable for our music video. Sawston VC would be easier to access, after insurance and legal issues, because me, Karl and Scott are all ex-pupils of the college and those who attended the college are favoured over people trying to access the site without a history within the college. After visiting both locations earlier in the production process, we compared the following checklists to see which would be best suited for our music video.
The image above is a copy of the location report we took to The Robinson Theatre. We judged various elements of the theatre space from the lighting in the theatre to the slots that were available which corresponded with the deadlines assigned to this task. Unfortunately, there was no time available for our recording of the music video before Monday 19th October 2009. This meant this performance space was not currently available for the recording of our music video.

Fortunately, the performance area at Sawston Village College was much better suited for our recording. This meant we were't struggling for an area to shoot the performance aspect of our video. The following picture shows a copy of the location report we took the 'Henry Morris Hall'.

In conclusion, for Location One, Sawston Village College is the most appropriate yet accessable location for shooting this section of our music video. The first stage in arranging the theatre for our music video was seeking permission from those incharge of the performance area. We started by emailing the admission office on site at Sawston VC who could steer us in the direction of the person in command of sanctioning our use of the stage, this was Lesley Morgan. We emailed Lesley Morgan asking for her approval in this matter. The email is shown in the following image:
In response, Lesley Morgan submitted our request to the School Manager and College Principal, who contacted us with their approval in the request. Next, we had to contact the theatres approved lighting technician that could supervise our recording and arrange the lighting plan appropriately to our video. Finally, we had to arrange a flexable time that was suitable for both Steve Williams (light technician) all members of Group 48, an on site caretaker for supervisional purposes and a time that didn't conflict with college activities. Overall, we settled with Thursday 15th October 2009 at 16:30. Then, we had to check if a college drumkit was availble for use on Thursday 15th October. This would make the transfering of musical instruments easier. Luckily, we obtained verbal permission from Janet Macleod, Head of Music Department at SVC, to use a college drumkit for our performance at the time and date specified above.

In light of all the communication with the college, we were allowed to obtain some still images of the area we had booked so we could plan, in further detail, the positioning and types of shots we were to use in the performance, and any other information we needed to make our recording problem-free. The images we took are shown below.

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