Thursday 15 October 2009

Filming: Day Two

Thursday 15th October 2009

Todays filming took place at location three; The Lock Up. After much struggle of finding the location, we arrived at the rehearsal studios and began our filming. The lighting in the studios were difficult because the rooms were sealed and had no windows. We tried to reflect the lights we had off the white ceiling to gain as much synthetic light as possible. This created some interesting shadows on the artists. There were a couple of problems we faced in todays filming which we can act on before the next day of filming. Firstly, being the artists in the band, we found we hadn't put enough preparation into learning the song. When we came to play together, we couldn't get the timing correct. This could make the lip syncing difficult because the other instruments won't be synchronized with the track. We will have to use the editing process to try and change these problems. Our next day of filming is on Monday 19th October at Sawston Village College. We were posted confirmation of this filming and a copy of the terms and conditions were sent too. These are as follow;

These terms and conditions outline the regulations we must obay when using the site for our filming. It covers information about the facilities through to the responsibilities that fall within the hier. The majority of the terms and conditions apply to large events that take place in the hall, and therefore didn't apply to our recording session.

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