Wednesday 14 October 2009

Filming: Day One

Wednesday 14th October 2009
Todays filming took place at location two; in and around the city centre. Our target was to collect a montage of simple dance steps from members of the public that could later be mixed into our music video along with other footage. The speed of this footage may later be altered depending on the speed of the dance, so that the overall footage will match the tempo and be fitted to the beat. Some successful footage was obtained in todays filming, however we were quite disappointed with the attitude and unwillingness to dance from some of the public. However we did manage to find some of our friends who did agree to be in our video so we did manage to get some dancing footage. The success of todays filming lies with the editing process of our music video. We managed to use some abstract shots and some small movements so that we have a variety of camerawork but the footage and music video will only look professional depending on the editing of the video. We are currently researching using our editing software Final Cut Express, to find possible editing techniques and colour schemes/patterns to make todays filming effective.
Our next step is to concentrate on Day Two of the filming process. This takes place o Thursday 14th October 2009 at The Lock Up Rehearsal Rooms in Chesterton. The camera and tripod have been booked for this day but we will also need our musical instruments and a form sound projection so that we can hear the track as well as play along to it. The traveling to this location will be by car and the address is as follows:
The Lock Up Rehearsal Rooms
Unit 9
Cave Industrial Estate
Fen Road
When we arrived we proceded to film the whole song in a static position which did look quite good however when it came to trying to walk around with the camera we had no one to film for us because we were all playing however we did manage to get around this by just filming one or two of us at a time but making it look like we're all playing.

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