Thursday 19 November 2009

DVD Cover Ideas

For our Digi pack we need to include a DVD cover and a magazine advertisement, above is the Album cover for busted. We chose this band because we feel they conform to the traditional rock formality, although we are aware that our msic video is alternative rock and Busted are more pop rock we still feel their Digi pack is appropriate to use as guidelines for ours.

To grab the viewers attention we need to:
- Include bright and catching colours
- Include good reviews from well known Critics i.e MTV etc.

To advertise the product we need to include:
- A Brand name
- A Release date
- Where it canbe purchased
- And official website such as a myspace or facebook page
- A Label with a good reputation

Extra Features that could be included would be:
- Promotional videos
- Bonus tracks
- Live Footage
- Tour Info
- Ratings
- Behind the scenes Photos and footage.

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